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Michael James Freedman

Love Me!

Love Me!

Regular price $9,950.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $9,950.00 USD
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What's Happening Here?

I met Jesus and Clara at our Art Party and I was curious about who they were and what their relationship was. Turns out they used to date but continue as good friends.

66" x 48" — Oil on Linen

“Love Me” features two friends who used to be lovers; they still get together to explore all that NYC life has to offer, scouring free listings and looking for fun on a budget. Their vibrant colors, joy and happiness in this rendering belie a deeper truth - one of them is a survivor of an abusive cult and the other had been a Dreamer who worried they might have to leave NYC. In the painting and in life, they both are looking for love and meaning, despite these worries. As they gaze in different directions, their romantic mis-cues and general searching for more is signaled in the work.

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